Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Background Information

Underwater Rov’s allow scientists to explore the depths of the ocean while remaining in complete safety. Rov’s allow research to be done at extreme depths and temperatures where humans could never venture on their own. They are needed to study the underwater environment as well as to construct and repair underwater structures. Much of the ocean basin remains unexplored due to extreme depths as well as environmental conditions such as climate and storms. Rov’s are needed to efficiently explore these areas which would otherwise be out of reach. Below in figure 1 a Rov can be seen being lowered from a research vessel.

Figure 1
Rov Victor being lowered from a research vessel.

Underwater Rov’s are sent into the ocean while connected to the deploying ship by a tether. On the ship a skilled crew operates the vessel from the safety of a control room. The tools mounted on a Rov make it invaluable to researchers exploring the ocean. Recent advances in Rov technology have led to the discovery of underwater wrecks previously thought to be gone forever. One of the most famous and publicized of these discoveries was that of the titanic. The rov’s Hercules, seen in figure 2 below, and Argus were able to record color video of the sunken ship thousands of feet underwater.

Figure 2
Rov Hercules on the deck of NOAA ship Ronald H Brown.

Rov’s are also used for mapping and exploring the sea floor. Their headlights illuminate areas that are so deep they have never before been exposed to light. With the constant increase in technology more components are made for rov’s such as sonar which can map the ocean bottom as well as extremely precise cameras built to withstand the pressure of the ocean thousands of feet deep. Rov use has led to the discovery of many species never known to exist.

One of the most important aspects of an underwater Rov is the robotic arm. A robotic arm allows the Rov to change from an observation platform which is merely able to float by, to a tool which allows the operator to interact with the environment. On larger rov’s the arm allows construction and repairs to be done, such as the placement of underwater cables. The arm is often considered one of the most valuable components on the Rov as it increases its versatility greatly. Instead of floating outside a wreck on the ocean floor a Rov equipped with an arm can open the door and look inside. While studying organisms on the sea floor it can now return with not only video but live samples as well. A Rov arm can be seen exploring the ocean bottom in figure 3 below.

Figure 3
Rov Arm being used to explore the ocean bottom.

With the expected increase in technology in the near future, the design and function of Rov’s should be expected to increase greatly. With better materials Rov’s will be able to dive deeper and stay there longer. As electronics are made smaller Rov components will shrink in size. This allows for more devices to be installed on each Rov and can allow them to function in ways never seen before. Underwater Rov’s capable of being sent through space and exploring oceans such as those on Jupiter’s moons are already being designed.

Rov technology is only half a century old and has already shown great promise. Organizations such as MATES, or the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center, are currently preparing students to carry on this form of research. While it is impossible to predict what Rov’s of the future will be like, it is certain that they will play a large part in our everyday lives.

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